The Lone Star Stroke (LSS) Research Consortium is a novel collaboration among leading medical research institutions in Texas to improve the health of Texans affected by stroke and cerebrovascular disease. The mission of LSS is to establish a state-wide network for patient-centered stroke research and therapeutic trials within Texas, linking academic health institutions with proven expertise in stroke research to community stroke centers.
Our objectives are to find better therapies and prevention strategies to improve cerebrovascular health for Texans throughout our state. The 86th Texas Legislature appropriated $4.5 million for FY14-15 to implement the LSS Research Consortium. The University of Texas System administers the LSS funding and contracts to LSS Hubs sites. The LSS Research Consortium has established a robust, geographically diverse, network of sites that has the capability and infrastructure to implement studies quickly throughout Texas. This is crucial for providing the game-changing breakthroughs that are needed now by people who have or may soon develop a stroke.
A charter specifying the LSS operations and governance has been developed and approved. The LSS Research Consortium Executive Committee is currently made up of representatives of member organizations and at-large members of leading stroke researchers from Texas. The LSS Research Consortium Executive Committee and study working groups meet regularly to plan and monitor progress of projects. All LSS Research Consortium studies and major initiatives are proposed to and approved by an External Advisory Committee (EAC), a panel of renowned experts in stroke research and telemedicine from outside of Texas.