Mark Goldberg, MD, Lone Star Stroke Executive Committee Member; Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Medicine at UT Health Science Center at San Antonio; adjunct Professor with the Department of Neurology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas
Lee Birnbaum, MD, Director, Vascular Neurology & Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology
Sujani Bandela, MD, Associate Program Director, Neurology Residency, Assistant Professor, Vascular Neurology
Charlotte Rhodes, MHA CCRC, LSS Lead Coordinator
Christopher Topel, MD, Assistant Professor, Neurology
Santiago Palacio, MD, Adjunct Professor, Neurology
Reza Behrouz, MD, Professor, Neurology and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Jody Richardson, MSN RN, Clinical Research Nurse- Senior